There are numerous locations players will travel to during their adventures in TUNIC. As they guide the adorable fox through their perilous journey, they will need to find different items to help them on their way.
One of these key items is found in the Old House, but players will find that it is locked. Here is how players will be able to find the key and enter the Old House in order to claim the Shield.
How players are able to get the Old House key in TUNIC
Gaining the Old House key to enter the Old House is an important step in TUNIC. By gaining access to the key, players will be able to claim the Shield, which is a powerful item that can bring players a solid level of defense. This item will enable them to face even more difficult foes by blocking and deflecting their attacks.
Players should first obtain the Sword
In order to access the Old House Key, players will need the Sword. This can be located inside the Hero's Grave. Once players have access to the Sword, they will be able to explore much more of the Overworld in order to obtain other items, including the Old House Key.
With the Sword in hand, players should head towards the Windmill and take the path that leads behind it.
Following the path
Once players are on the path and heading behind the Windmill, they will eventually follow it inside a tunnel. Players should continue on through the tunnel until they come to a large, open chamber.
Once inside the chamber, players should head south until they locate a ladder and exit outside of the chamber. Players should be back outside and should continue heading along the beach.
Finding the Key
Eventually, players will find another ladder that they should use. Here they will find the key to the Old House. The problem lies in the fact that a strong enemy guards it.
Players should use their bomb on this enemy and then mop up the others nearby to claim the key. Players will then be able to take the key and return to the Old House, which can now be opened using this new key.
The Old House has a few goodies inside
Once the player makes it back to the Old House and is inside, they will be able to explore it to their heart's content. At the front of the house, players should head north and find a path they can follow to gain the Shield.
There is also a special area in this location to the south, where players will be able to store their Secret items upon collecting them throughout their playthrough of Tunic.
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